A 75 year old female with SOB and weakness

 This is an online E log book to discuss our patient's de-identified health data shared after taking his/her/guardian's signed informed consent.Here we discuss our individual patient's problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patient's clinical problems with collective current best evidence based inputs". This E log book also reflects my patient-centred online learning portfolio and your valuable comments on comment box is welcome. 

I've been given this case to solve in an attempt to understand the topic of "patient clinical data analysis" to develop my competency in reading and comprehending clinical data including history, clinical findings, investigations and come up with a diagnosis and treatment plan.

This is a case of 75 year old female house wife, who was brought to the casualty yesterday on 4/11/22 with the chief complains of 

Shortness of breath since 10 days

Decreased appetite since 4 days

History of presenting illness:-

Patient was apparently asymptomatic 5 years ago, then she developed sob and was taken to a private hospital , was diagnosed with bronchial asthma , where she was given nebulisation and medications on which it was symptomatically relevied.

Since then she had been using MDI 

Since 2-3 years she stopped using MDI and on medications for releif 

6 months back, Patient developed similar complaints with fever and was admitted in a private hospital where it was treated as Bronchial asthma 

10 days back she developed sob grade 3 (mmrc)- insidious onset, gradually progressive associated with cough - Non productive and fever.

Not a/w chest pain ,wheeze, palpitations, sweating

No h/o orthopnea , PND

She was given nebulisation 5 days back to relieve her symptoms temporarily 

3-4 days back patient again developed sob (grade 4) her sob exacerbates in winter seasons.

Decreased appetite since 4 days 

Dysphagia since 2-3 days which was progressive and more to solids than liquids

She was then taken to a local hospital in view of decreased appetite and dysphagia, weakness , increased fatigue, hypomentation , delayed response, but obeying commands, unable to move from bed or walk without support 

4/12/22 morning- 

She was taken to miryalguda hospital- with increase in severity of sob and weakness.

Was investigated and referred here.

Widal test done

Past history-  

history of fall (head injury) 10 years ago

not associated with loc, projectile vomiting , seizures, weakness

Ct brain was done

She was then diagnosed to be having hypertension and was started on Telma H 

4 years back- patient diagnosed with hypothyroidism (using thyronorm)

N/k/c/o DM, CAD, TB ,epilepsy 

Daily routine of the patient

She gets up at around 6 am in the morning, eats her breakfast made by one of her family members. She stopped cooking 5 years ago. Patient stays in a closed room alone most of the times.

Her lunch around 1:00pm afternoon includes rice and curry or dal predominantly.

She takes nothing for snacks

Dinner rice and curry at 9pm

Patient's life style is predominantly sedentary with minimal physical activity

Family history- no h/o similar complaints in her parents

her son was an asthmatic (died 8 years ago).

Personal history

Diet - vegetarian 

Appetite- decreased

Sleep - adequate

Bowel and bladder regular

No Addictions

Drug history

Patient is on tab. Montelukast (OD)

Tab. Prednisolone (OD) since 5 years.

Allergy history

No h/o allergies to food dust and pollen.

General physical examination

Patient is concious coherent, not cooperative well oriented to time place and person

Consent of patient was taken before examining her.

Vitals - at time of presentation

RR- tachepnic


BP- 110/70 mm Hg

Saturation O2- 89 on RA

96 on 2lts O2

Grbs-141 mg /dl

PR- 120 bpm , irregular

Pallor present 

No icterus cyanosis clubbing lymphadenopathy & pedal edema

Systemic examination

Respiratory system

On inspection

Shape of chest - elliptical

Chest appears to be b/l symmetrical

Trachea appears to be central

Chest expansion is symmetrical

(Slightly appears to be hyperinflated)

Supra clavicular hollowness seen on the right side

Apical impulse not seen


All inspectory findings confirmed

No local rise of temperature

No tenderness

Trachea is central

Chest expansion equal on both sides

Tactile vocal fremitus- equal on both sides


Chest circumference 72 cm

Hemithorax - 36 cm

Anterior posterior 20 cm

Transverse 32 cm 

Ratio is 0.625


All lung fields are resonant 

On Tidal percussion- 

Inspiration dullness in right 6th ICS

Expiration- dullness on right 5th ICS


B/l airway entry present

Coarse crepitations on inspiration and expiration heard in inframammary and infraaxillary area.

Fine crepitations in inframammary area

Mild wheeze on expiration

Rhonchi and coarse crepts heard in infraclavicular area


Apex beat felt and auscultated in left 5th ICS MCL

S1, S2 heard

No murmurs


Higher mental functions- intact

Sensory system intact

Motor - bulk normal

Tone normal 


Upperlimb  biceps 4/5 right &left

Triceps 4/5 right &left

Supinator 4/5 right & left

Lower limbs-

Knee jerk+

Ankle jerk+


Shape scaphoid

No scars and sinuses

No organomegaly

Bowel sounds heard



Hb- 10.1

Tlc- 18.5k

Plt- 3.32lac

Serum electrolytes-

Na- 123 meq/l (hyponatremia)

K- 3.3 ( Hypokalemia)

Cl- 82 (hypochloremia)

Serum osmolarity - 254 (hypotonic)


Na- 125




PH- 7.54

PCo2- 27.8

PO2- 61.6

SpO2- 93.5

Hco3- 26.3(st) 23.8(c)

(metabolic alkalosis)


Showing increased broncho pulmonary vascular markings

Pleural thickening

Tubular heart

Reticular pattern suggesting ILD



On 4/12/22-

sinus rhythm , irregular, vpcs+, ?MAT

On 5/12/22-

Provisional diagnosis-

Acute exacerbation of Asthma, COPD? Miliary TB? ILD?with hypertension and hypothyroidism

With Hyponatremia, hypokalemia under evaluation 


O2 inhalation with 2-4l/min 

Inj. Augmentin

Inj. Pantop

Nebulisation with duolin and budecort

Syr. Potklor

Syr. Aristozyme

Tab . montec



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