A 13 year old girl with anemia and mucosal hyperpigmentation

 This is an online E log book to discuss our patient's de-identified health data shared after taking his/her/guardian's signed informed consent.Here we discuss our individual patient's problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patient's clinical problems with collective current best evidence based inputs". This E log book also reflects my patient-centred online learning portfolio and your valuable comments on comment box is welcome. 

I've been given this case to solve in an attempt to understand the topic of "patient clinical data analysis" to develop my competency in reading and comprehending clinical data including history, clinical findings, investigations and come up with a diagnosis and treatment plan.

A 13 year old female, presented with the chief complaints of :

  • Fever since three days

  • Abdominal pain since three days

  • Blackish stools since three days 

History of presenting illness:

Patient was apparently alright 3 days ago, then she developed fever, low grade, insidious in onset, intermittent associated with chills 

Not associated with headache, nausea, weakness, body aches, dizziness

Vomitings 2 episodes - non bilious, non blood stained, non foul smelling, food as content

Cold since 3 days associated with nasal discharge

Cough since 3 days , moderate , non productive 

Abdominal pain since 3 days , diffuse in nature, dull aching, non radiating, on and off, no aggravating or relieving factors.

Not associated with abdominal distension, constipation, diarrhoea

Altered bowel habits + 

Increased stool frequency to 3times a day

Stools - blackish, minimal quantity, associated with straining during passage, foul smelling, non blood stained 

Not associated with worms in stools, excessive mucoid discharge 

No h/o trauma to abdomen, no h/o previous blood transfusions. 

Daily routine of the patient -

She wakes up at 8 am in the morning, has rice with curry with a glass of tea, goes to school, has lunch provided in school- rice,curry and sambar daily, gets back to home, dinner at 7 pm , rice and curry and sleeps at around 10 pm.

Consumption of fruits, nuts, and dairy products are lacking in patient's diet.

Personal history

Diet - mixed 

Appetite - decreased

Sleep - adequate 

Bowel and bladder - blackish stools with increased frequency

No addictions 

Birth and developmental history

Born via normal vaginal delivery to a healthy mother, no h/o nicu admissions, attained all developmental milestones at the right age

Birth weight - 2.5 kg

Family history

Parents- Consanguineous marriage+

Third degree consanguinity

No h/o short stature in family, constitutional delay 

No h/o developmental delays, short stature in siblings (elder brother and younger sister)

No h/o genetic disorders running in the family

No h/o thyroid disorders 

On General examination

Patient is conscious coherent and cooperative well oriented to time place and person.

Poorly built and nourished 

Height - 131cm
Weight - 20 kg
BMI - 11.5 kg/m2  (underweight)
MUAC - 14.5 cm
Abdominal girth - 50 cm

Vitals @ admission - 

Temp - 99.2°F

PR - 120bpm

BP - 120/70 mmhg

RR - 21cpm

GRBS - 117mg/dl

Mild icterus +

Pallor + 

Small hyperpigmented lesions on lips

Hyperpigmentation on tongue

Discoloured teeth

Dental caries?

Mucosal hyperpigmentation on either sides of buccal mucosal +

Hair - normal

Knuckle hyperpigmented? 

Nails - normal

Tanners staging

Breast appearance - stage 1 (prepubertal)

Pubic hair - stage 1 (prepubertal)

Axillary hair - absent 

Systemic examination-

GIT examination


Shape of abdomen- scaphoid

No scars sinuses visible pulsations visible swellings, dilated veins abdominal distension.

All quadrants moving with respiration

Umbilicus inverted 

On palpation-

No local rise of temperature

Tenderness present - diffuse

More in right hypochondrium, right iliac fossa, hypogastrium.

Abdomen - soft , mild splenomegaly.?

No guarding, rigidity

On Percussion

Tympanic note +

On auscultation-

Bowel sounds heard



Shape of chest- elliptical

No scars dilated veins

No raised JVP


Apex beat felt in left 5th ICS MCL

No thrills, parasternal heave felt

On auscultation-

S1 S2 heard, no murmurs

Respiratory system examination-

Shape of chest elliptical

B/l symmetrical expansion of chest wall+

Position of trachea- central

Resonance present in all lung fields


CNS examination

Higher mental functions- intact

Cranial nerves intact 

Sensory- fine touch, crude touch, pressure, temperature, vibration senses intact.

Motor system

Power: 5/5 in both UL and LL

Bulk - normal

Tone- normal 


Biceps, Triceps Supinator Knee reflexes intact (++) 

Ankle reflex 5+

No cerebellar signs noticed


Hemogram on 04/02/2024-

Hb- 6.9
TLC -5,800
MCHC- 30.3
RDW - 20.0
RBC - 2.51
Plt - 75,000

CUE- normal

Stool for occult blood- positive


Hbsag - negative

HIV - negative

HCV - negative

Widal test - negative

Dengue profile-

NS1 Ag- negative

IgM positive 

IgG- negative 


Serum iron-

Retic count-

LDH - 229

Hemogram on 6/2/24

Peripheral smear-


TB - 1.54

DB - 0.54

ALT- 48

AST- 50

ALP - 224

TP- 6.4

A/G- 1.70


Urea - 27

Creatinine - 0.6

Uric acid - 2.2

USG abdomen

Mild splenomegaly.

Few prominent mesenteric lymph nodes.

Chest x ray - 

Coombs test-

Provisional diagnosis-

?Dengue ( IgM positive - day 5 of illness)

? Malaria (Tropical splenomegaly)

Anemia , thrombocytopenia under evaluation 

Treatment given

1. Tab. PCM 500mg  PO SOS

2. Albendazole 400mg PO STAT

3. T. MVT  PO OD


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