This is an online e logbook to discuss our patients deidentified health data shared after taking her/guardian's signed informed consent

Here we discuss our individual patient problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patients clinical problems with collective current best evidence based inputs

This E log also reflects my patient centre’s online learning portfolio and valuable inputs on the comment box is welcome.

This is a case of a 62 year old male agricultural labourer by occupation who presented with the chief complaints of :

shortness of breath since one month

loss of appetite since 20 days

Patient was apparently asymptomatic one month ago then he developed shortness of breath since one month which was sudden in onset and gradually progressive occuring on exertion associated with dry cough which occurs on prolonged dyspnea aggravated on exertion and relieved on lying.

He developed SOB which occurred even at rest in sitting posture 10 days ago

He complains of sudden loss of appetite since 20 days due to which he lost 5-6 kgs

He was then taken to a local hospital a week after the symptoms appeared, then to a tertiary care hospital in Hyderabad a week ago where he was told to have his sr.creatinine levels raised, he was then referred here for dialysis.

Past history

He had a right knee fracture 5 years ago. Surgery was done during which he was diagnosed to have Hypertension and diabetes for which he was put on medications

Aten-20 for hypertension

Metformin 500 mg for diabetes

He couldn't commence his daily routine work since he had fracture. He uses a stick to walk.

Family history-

No significant family history

Personal history

Diet - mixed 

Appetite- lost

Sleep - adequate

Bowel and bladder movements- regular

He is a smoker since 2-3 years (1 beedi per day).

General physical examination

Patient is examined under well lit room and adequate ventilation with consent taken

He is concious coherent cooperative moderately built and nourished

Pallor icterus clubbing cyanosis lymphadenopathy pedal edema absent

Temperature- afebrile

Blood pressure 110/80

Pulse rate- 82 bpm

Respiratory rate- 14 cpm 

Systemic examination:

Respiratory system- 

No dyspnea

On inspection

Shape of chest - bilaterally symmetrical, elliptical

Movement of chest wall - symmetrical, normal anteroposterior


Position of trachea - central

Symmetrical chest expansion


Resonance heard bilaterally in all areas of percussion


Normal vesicular breath sounds heard in all areas of auscultation

No wheeze

No rhonchi, crepts


Shape - scaphoid

No scars swellings sinuses seen

On palpation- 

Non tender, soft, liver spleen not palpable

On auscultation-

Bowel sounds heard

Cardiovascular system-

S1 S2 heard. No murmurs and thrills

Central nervous system-


Reflexes +


HRCT chest-





B/l grade 2 RPD with right simple renal cortical cysts

Provisional diagnosis-

Acute kidney injury on chronic kidney disease 2° to diabetic nephropathy? with cystic bronchiectasis


Inj.lasix 40mg i.v. BD

Inj. Pan 40mg i.v. OD

Inj. Zofer 4mg i.v. OD


Tab. Nodosis PO/OD

Tab. Orofer XT 20mg OD

GRBS 4th hourly, monitor vitals

Tab. Nicardia 10mg PO/OD

Inj. Augmentin 1.2g i.v. BD

Tab. Shelcal PO/OD

Tab. Atenelol 25mg PO/OD

Neb. Duolin



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