This is an online E log book to discuss our patient's de-identified health data shared after taking his/her/guardian's signed informed consent. 

Here we discuss our individual patient's problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patient's clinical problems with collective current best evidence based inputs. This E log book also reflects my patient-centred online learning portfolio and your valuable inputs on the comment box is welcome.

A 75 year old female patient came with chief complaints of 

Full body tremors yesterday morning

Burning micturition since 1 week 

History of presenting illness: 

Patient was apparently asymptomatic till yesterday then she developed sudden onset of shivering in her body for 2 hours after she got up from her bed around 8 am and loss of consciousness while she was still on her bed.

Then she was taken here to the hospital around 4 pm in the evening the same day. Later she had an episode of fits predominantly involving bobbing of her head and flexion of her b/l upper limbs.

She had fever 10 days ago insidious in onset continuous in nature low grade associated with chills 

Burning micturition and increased frequency of urination since one week mainly in the night time which didn't relieve on medications.

She had h/o fall while climbing stairs and injury to her right knee 12 years ago, the wound got infected and then she developed non healing ulcer with pus discharge. Skin grafting at that area was done and during this, she got screened and was diagnosed to have diabetes and hypertension and was put on medications on which she has been on it regularly.

She has h/o wrist injury 8-9 years ago.

2 years ago with complaints of weakness and body pains she was taken to a hospital where she was told to have a heart issue and put her on medications.


Past history:

No history of similar complaints on the past

H/o hypertension since 10 years

H/o DM since 12 years

No h/o tb, asthma, epilepsy 

Drug history

Metformin 500mg

Cefixime and OFLOXACIN

Met XL


Paracetamol, Aceclofenac and Serratiopeptidase 


Personal history: 

Diet: mixed 

Appetite: decreased since 4-5 days

Sleep: disturbed since 3 days

Burning micturition +

Normal bowel movements 

No addictions.

General examination

Patient was conscious cooperative

Oriented to time place and person

Moderately built and nourished

Pallor Icterus cyanosis clubbing lymphadenopathy pedal edema absent.

Temperature: 97.4°C 

PR: 88bpm

BP: 130/70

SpO2: 98%

GRBS: 155mg/dl

Systemic examination:

Central nervous system-

Higher mental functions: 

Conscious, oriented to time place and person

Speech normal 

Memory intact

Cranial nerves -


1 CN: smell perceived

2 CN  : visual acuity : CF 

Pupil: sluggish pupillary response to light 

3,4,6 CN : normal , ocular motility is present in all directions.

5 CN : normal sensory and motor 


7 CN : wrinkling on forehead +

            Bells phenomenon - 

            Blow cheeks + 

           Clench teeth +

 8 CN :  mild hearing impairment on both sides

 9 & 10 CN : gag reflex+ taste sensations+ 

11 CN- intact

12 CN : tongue movements+ no deviation

Motor system examination 


Bulk - normal 



Upper limb and lower limb     Normal


Upper limb and lower limb     Normal

Power             RT        LT

UL                   4/5       4/5

LL                   4/5        4/5



Corneal.               present 

Conjunctival.      present

Abdominal.         present


Deep reflexes  

Biceps + +

Triceps + +

Knee + +

Ankle + +

Sensory examination

Pain +

Temperature +

Pressure +


Fine touch +

Proprioception is lost

cerebellar functions : 

Nystagmus : absent 

Dysdiadochokinesia : absent 

Tandem gait : impaired

Intensional tremors : absent 

Rombergs postive

GAIT on the day of admission-


Gait on 24/2/22


Respiratory system- 

No dyspnea

On inspection-

Shape of chest - bilaterally symmetrical, elliptical

Movement of chest wall - symmetrical, normal anteroposterior


Position of trachea - central

Symmetrical chest expansion


Resonance heard bilaterally in all areas of percussion


Normal vesicular breath sounds heard in all areas of auscultation

No wheeze

No rhonchi, crepts

Cardiovascular system-

S1 S2 heard. No murmurs and thrills


Shape - scaphoid

No scars swellings sinuses seen

On palpation- 

Non tender, soft, liver spleen not palpable

On auscultation-

Bowel sounds heard



Hb: 7.6

TLC: 13,600

N: 90

L: 05

Imp: Normocytic hypochromic anemia with neutrophil leukocytosis

Ophthalmology referral

optic disc not visualised due to dense lenticular opacities


Left ventricular hypertrophy.


B/l Grade 1 RPD

Doppler 2D echo

MRI brain

Chronic smaller vessel ischaemic changes

Old lacunar infarct in left lentiform nucleus.


Myoclonic jerks with altered sensorium 2° to PCA stroke?


1. Inj. PAN 40mg IV/OD

2. Inj. THIAMINE 2amp in 100ml NS/IV/TID

3. Inj. LEVIPILL 500mg IV/BD

4. Inj. MONOCEF 1gm/IV/BD

5. IVF NS& RL 

6. BP,PR and temperature 4th hourly monitoring


In the view of anemia, the following investigations were sent

Serum ferritin: 113.4

Retic count: 1.3%

Corrected Reticulocyte count: 0.798 calculated using formula Retic count* Pt HCT/Normal HCT.

 Impression: hypoproliferative marrow. 

Peripheral smear: Normocytic Normochromic RBCs with few microcytes. WBCs increased on smear and platelets adequate. 

Low Retic count here could point towards anemia of chronic disease or renal failure, in this context. 

Sr.Na+ 128meq/l - hyponatremia


Hypo osmolar hyponatremia


Tb: 0.54

Db: 0.20

AST: 54




Alb: 3.4

A/G: 1.83 


Right knee pain and swelling+

Local examination : swelling + with local rise of temperature + tenderness + 

Patellar tap felt


Burning micturition+


i/v/o burning micturition 

Pus cells : 3-4 

Epithelial cells :2-3 

Alb : trace

X ray of right knee was taken-


Inj. LEVIPILL 500mg IV/BD 


tab metformin 500mg OD

Tab. Clinidipine 10 mg po / OD 

BP,PR and temperature 4th hourly monitoring


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